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Everything you want to know about beanie!

2022년 12월 30일 ForemostHat
Everything you want to know about beanie!-Foremost Hats

l Introduction

Learning how to wear a beanie is a styling hack that can magically transform any outfit. For winter, having a stylish beanie hat can turn your warm layers of clothing into a head-turning one.

For today’s article, we would like to introduce a few things on beanie, its evolution, type, material and some other infomation related to that so that you would have a better understanding of it.

What is a Beanie?

A beanie is a type of snug cap, usually brimless, which comes in two primary variations: a woven form, and a knitted one. In some part of the world, a woven beanie is still known as a beanie or skull cap, while a knitted beanie is referred to as a watch cap or sailor's cap.

The woven beanie probably entered popular culture because of laborers, who would wear the snug, protective hat to insulate their heads from grease and other occupational hazards while keeping their hair out of the way.

Is a Beanie a Hat?

Some people say a beanie is a hat, some say it’s a cap. While a hat is the umbrella term for headwear of various sizes and crowns, used for protection against sunlight and rain, for ceremonial purposes. Caps have a particular shape, and pieces that not all other hat types have. A cap is essentially a brimless sort of hat.

As a result of that, beanie is a brimless cap, made of triangular material panels connected by a button on the crown and sealed together around the edges. The cloth-covered button on the crown is about the size of a bean seed and maybe the origin of the term beanie.

The Evolution of Beanie

From the website Zanie, the beanie goes by many names: toque, cap, skullcap, stocking cap, dink, bobble hat, bobble cap. But the first time there was written documentation of this style of hat, that wrapped the head, was in 12th century Wales.

With the colonization of the Americas, the beanie hat found its way to what is now Canada and the USA. At first, only men wore them as they worked outdoors in harsh conditions. As the beanie hat has no brim, it made it easier for the workers to do their job, and stay warm. The practicality of the beanie hat was essential.

Types of Beanie

Cuffed beanie:they’re are the most classic and traditional style available (think ribbed watch caps in the US Navy or Rocky). And this classic-ness makes them ideal for a weekend out or as you commute to work.

Cuffless beanie: one of the most popular types in almost every fashion store in a range of colors. They are Cuffless because they do not have extended material at the lower brim. When you wear them, they do not go beyond the forehead.

Fisherman beanie: one of the most popular styles today. This skullie sits on top of your head and, because of its shallow crown, doesn't cover your ears (or maybe just the top of them).

Slouchy beanie:it features a longer style that covers half of your ears (more if you pull it down) and has additional material snuggling down at the back of your head. Usually, slouch beanies do not have a cuff.

Pom pom beanie: characterized by a fluffy pom-pom on top. The pom-pom has roots in military history and was first used to protect sailors. According to popular theory, this ball on top of the beanie or toboggan protected sailors’ heads from banging into things.

Jacquard beanie: jacquard woven patterns are produced on a special weaving loom, fitted with a specific patterning mechanism, made up of a series of needles. jacquard is a unique process in which the artwork is knitted, making it part of the beanie.

Beanie Material

Acrylic- synthetic fiber commonly used to make beanies. It's a less expensive alternative to wool, and also easier to clean. It holds dyes extremely well, so even the most vibrant patterns will last.

Cotton - a natural, versatile fiber that's machine-washable, durable, affordable, and easily dyed.

Fleece - soft, synthetic fabric that maintains warmth and wicks moisture. Thickness ranges from micro (thinnest, most flexible) to 300 (thickest, most rigid). Fleece is highly breathable, durable, and machine-washable.

Wool- thick, natural fibers from sheep, goats, alpaca, camels, or rabbits (angora). Has unmatched ability to retain heat and is static-resistant, but requires special laundering.

How do I Choose the Right Beanie?

Consider the climate. If you live in a place with cold winters, you’ll want to choose a thicker, knit beanie made from wool or acrylic. These materials will provide more warmth and insulation.

Consider the face shape:If your face is especially round or square-shaped, and you don’t want to look like a thug, just pull your beanie back a little bit on your head. It will give the illusion of length, which will help even out your features.  

Select the right style. The three most popular styles are slouchy, cuffed, and Pom-pom. A slouchy beanie is a classic style that both men and women can wear.  While a cuffed beanie is a tight-fitting hat that has a foldover cuff at the bottom.The third one, a pom-pom beanie is a fun and trendy style that is perfect for winter.  

How to Wear a Beanie?

Fashion matters a lot, so do the ways of wearing it. This offers a distinct way to accessorize your head and stay warm in the winter. Above all, its unique design can help show off your individuality and flaunt your eccentric fashion taste. 6 ways to wear beanie are listed as follows:

The Standard: simply wear the beanie without cuffing it, so that it covers your ears. The front should rest just above your eyebrows.

The Single Cuff: cuff the beanie once and wear on the top of your head, with the beanie resting halfway down your ears.

The Robin Hood:leave the beanie uncuffed in the front, and cuff once in the back. The cuff should form an angle that starts and stops at either ear.

The David Beckham: wear the beanie as far back as possible, letting the extra fabric slouch in the rear. Cover the ears and allow some hair to tuft out in the front.

The Steve Zissou: roll or cuff the beanie twice, and wear at the top of your head. You can wear it forward or back depending on whether you want your hair to show from underneath.

The High-Top: wear the beanie as far toward the top of your head as possible. Let it rest above your ears, keeping it vertical and well rounded throughout.

l Summary

Traditionally, a beanie was a flat, close-fitting hat without a brim, sometimes also called a skullcap. In the early 1900s, adult workers and young men commonly wore beanies, which eventually evolved into today’s baseball cap. Then it evolutionize and gradually become this day.

Any new ideas about beanie, please comment and let us know!!

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