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How to Clean a Suede Hat: A Complete Guide

19. jul. 2024 ForemostHat


Has anyone heard of suede hats? Suede, is a type of leather with a fuzzy, napped finish, commonly used for jackets, shoes, fabrics, purses, furniture, and other items. The term comes from the French giants de Suède, which means "gloves from Sweden". The term was first used by The Oxford English Dictionary in 1884. It is a very important material in the fashion world today.

Regular cleaning matters!! By safely and effectively removing soils, germs, and other contaminants, they help us to stay healthy, care for our homes and possessions, and make our surroundings more pleasant. Regular cleaning and disinfecting can do a good job of removing allergens and germs, helping to prevent illnesses and promote wellness.

For today’s article, we will try to provide a complete guide on how to clean a suede hat, and what are you waiting for, let’s dive in!!

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I. Understanding Suede Hats:

What is suede fabric? Well, Suede is a type of leather, and it can be derived from any type of animal skin that is used in the production of normal leather. The main difference between suede and other types of leather is that suede fabric is derived from the underside of animal skin while most types of leather are derived from the top side of animal skin.

Compared to normal leather, suede is far more permeable, which means it lacks the waterproofing benefits of leather. It is, therefore, best to wear suede garments indoors or in situations in which encountering adverse environmental conditions is unlikely.

Suede has a fuzzy finish, which is sometimes referred to as “napped.” While most types of leather are smooth, suede feels more like cotton or a different kind of plant-based fabric than animal skin. In appearance, suede is matte while normal leather is glossy, and while normal leather is waterproof, suede is highly permeable, and it tends to stain.

Suede is a popular material for hats because it is soft, flexible, and has a unique texture that adds visual interest. It also has good durability and can resist water to some extent. However, suede is more difficult to maintain than other materials.

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II. Preparing for Cleaning:

A. Assessing the hat's condition:

Suede is very sensitive to moisture, so the mud must be dry before you clean it. Use your suede brush to gently rub the dirt off the material. Always only brush in one direction, rather than back and forth. Once the majority of dirt has been removed, brush more vigorously until the shoe is clean.

Don’t forget to differentiate stains from soils is a matter of fabric contact. The “soil” is the actual product producing the stain. For example, for a ketchup stain, ketchup itself is the soil. The stain is the mark left by the ketchup.

In a standard stain removal test, a textile swatch is embedded with a particular type of stain, such as grass, dirt, blood, body oil, cooking oil, makeup, or food products. 1 The sample is then analyzed using a spectrophotometer to obtain a quantifiable color measurement of the stained fabric.

B. Gathering the necessary materials:

Lightly scrub the area with a suede brush. Rinse the area with a damp cloth and allow the hat to air dry flat. Once dry we recommend brushing your hat with a suede brush to retain the suede nap. Ensure that you wait until your hat is completely dry before wearing or storing it.

Importantly, suede shoes should never be put in the washing machine. They can generally be cleaned by rubbing them with a damp, lint-free cloth or a specialist suede brush. It's best to do this in straight motions but in different directions, as this will help remove dirt without pushing it deeper into the fibers.

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III. Step-by-Step Cleaning Process:

A. Surface cleaning:

1. Gently brushing off loose dirt:

A soft-bristle toothbrush has less densely packed bristles, which allows the bristles to bend easily when you brush your hat. The soft bristles also make it easier to clean your suede because they can reach areas of the deep areas of your hats.

The fine fibers you feel standing up on Suede hats are referred to as the nap. A Suede Brush will help remove dust and dirt trapped within the nap keeping the nap looking fresh and smooth. Regular brushing is an easy and effective way to care for your Suede hats.

B. Treating stains:

1. Handling water-based stains:

For dealing with food spills or watermarks, there are eight physical stain-removal techniques: brushing, flushing, freezing, presoaking, pretreating, scraping, sponging, and tamping. Which technique to use in treating a particular spot or stain depends upon both the nature of the stain and the type of surface stained.

The most common technique for stain removal is rubber cup polish called Motor Driven Coronal Polish: It is a slow-speed handpiece with an attached rubber cup and polishing paste.

Also, you can use dampen a clean cloth with a small amount of white vinegar or suede cleaner. Gently blot the stained area—do not rub, as this can push the stain deeper into the suede or damage the nap. For particularly stubborn stains, you can use a nail brush or an old toothbrush, but be very gentle to avoid damaging the shoe.

2. Tackling oil-based stains:

For dried oil or grease stains, you can use a small amount of dish soap, blotting it and wiping it away, but avoid soaking the suede in water. For a wet oil stain, sprinkle cornstarch on it and let sit to absorb the oil before brushing it away gently.

Cornstarch has an excellent ability to absorb moisture. If you feel your drugstore deodorant isn't cutting it, try making your own. Mix 2 to 3 tablespoons of coconut oil, 1/8 cup of baking soda, and 1/8 cup of cornstarch, and done! You have yourself a natural deodorant.

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C. Full cleaning:

1. Applying a suede cleaner:

What not to do when cleaning suede? Avoid Saturating Suede with Water. Although you may use a damp cloth in some situations to clean suede, you should never completely saturate it with water. Doing so can stain and damage it.

The moisture from the damp cloth might temporarily darken the color of the suede, but this should air-dry; while suede hats aren’t waterproof, a damp cloth shouldn’t be enough to leave any visible marks.

How do I get water stains out of suede? If the dreaded happens and you get suede wet, allow the suede piece to dry completely. Once it's totally dry, use a suede brush or terrycloth towel to rub the nap. If this doesn't work, try a white eraser.

2. Removing stubborn stains:

How do you get rid of ingrained stains? “Use a solution of 50 percent vinegar and 50 percent water on the stain. Apply liberally and then treat with laundry soap and water. “DO NOT put the garment in the dryer until you have seen that the stain is gone.”

About Suede Brush. The Suede Brush is brass-wired with a wooden handle and is ideal for cleaning all items of suede. Simply brush over the article of suede to loosen and remove dirt trapped in the suede fibers. Brushing in multiple directions can help restore the overall luster and nap to suede.

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IV. Drying and Maintenance:

A. Air drying:

Air drying is highly recommended after cleaning. To ensure the hat retains its shape while drying naturally, place it over an upside-down bowl. Keep hats away from heat sources like radiators or direct sunlight during this process, as they can potentially warp or shrink.

Does heat damage suede? When your hats are dry, brush them in the direction of the grain to smooth out the nap. Remember, whatever your method of cleaning, never heat your suede shoes, as this will damage the material.

Use paper towels or a soft cloth to blot up as much moisture as you can before allowing the shoes to dry naturally. Never use a blow dryer, direct sunlight, or other heat sources to shorten the drying time; this can cause the material to dry out and harden.

B. Fluffing the nap:

How do you get a hat back to its original shape? Well, place your misshapen hat in the path of the steam so it permeates the inside and outside. The steam will quickly make your hat warm and soft. This is when you can start reshaping your hat with your hands. Just knead the hat with your hands and fingers to shape the crown and brim into the correct positions.

How do you fluff suede? So take your suede cleaning brush and it's really simple. You just want to brush the suede. Now use moderate to firm pressure. You don't want to use too much pressure because you can damage the suede, so using light to moderate pressure is certainly sufficient.

V. Storing and Preventative Measures:

A. Proper storage:

Store Properly: When not wearing your suede or leather baseball hat, store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture. Use a hat rack or a breathable hat storage box to maintain its shape. - Avoid Water: Suede and leather are both sensitive to water, so avoid getting your hat wet if possible.

Can you use plastic containers for long-term storage? We often recommend our long-term storage customers use plastic bins rather than cardboard boxes in a variety of circumstances. Cardboard boxes have their place and uses, but when it comes to preserving your items in long-term storage, plastic bins with tightly sealed lids offer the best protection.

B. Preventive care:

You can also use protective sprays to repel water. We recommend Granger's Performance Repel Plus without reservation. Effective, easy to use, and offering waste-reducing refills, we'd call it an all-around winner. We also like the Kiwi Camp Dry Heavy Duty Water Repellent for maximum value.

You can use a towel to pat down excess moisture from the hat, speeding up the air-drying process without harming its structure. Also, the best way to protect a hat from dust is to store it in a protective hatbox. In addition, you can also hang hats or store them in a see-through case to cut down on dust and display your collection.


All in all, suede should always be dry cleaned but although it is possible to wash a suede hat successfully, there will always be a chance that the jacket will be damaged. Your best chance of success is to hand wash the hat gently in cool water with a mild detergent.

Cleaning is important! By safely and effectively removing soils, germs, and other contaminants, they help us to stay healthy, care for our homes and possessions, and make our surroundings more pleasant.

Following instructions is an important ability to practice in everyday life. Within an academic setting, following instructions can influence grades, learning subject matter, and correctly executing skills.

That’s all for today, if you have any questions, please comment below and let us know!!

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